Bringing street photos back to the streets.
What a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful project run by @tadashionishi . This is my third time on Rozou-O and the idea of run the @rozouproject by myself with the blessing of Tadashi-san (just like @b_strt and others) is growing more and more.
You can watch it live on Twitch by clicking on the button below:
Rozou-O Project Vol. 15 (2023.2.11)
I’m so happy to participate again in this third edition (Rozou-O Vol. 3) of the Rozou-O, this lovely project run by @tadashionishi. The @rozouproject was born in 2018 and the idea behind it was to return the street photos back to the streets. He does that by setting a projector on whatever street of Tokyo and showing his images to pedestrian. Recently he expanded his project to other street photographers and called it “Rozou-O” (Open). In this edition I was featured together with Den (@moodyden), from Singapore; Makisuke Okamura (@makisukefunk), from Japan and Joel Pulliam (@j_pulliam_photo), also from Japan and, together with the host Tadashi Onishi (@tadashionishi), a member of the Void Tokyo Collective (@voidtokyo).
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